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Best Event Management System: Regpack is 3rd!

Capterra recently put together a list and comparison graphic of their top reviewed event management software vendors and Regpack was ranked 3rd (previously 5th!). Oh happy day! We are giddy with excitement to be a top 3 event management system!

The list compares the software’s average ease of use and customer service ratings as the measure for ranking. Capterra has found that those seeking event management systems value these 2 metrics the most, which is why they used these ratings to rank event management system options. Sounds reasonable to me. There are tons of great software options out there, but at the end of the day if you aren’t getting the quality support you deserve and find it difficult to actually USE the great software- what’s the point!?

The goal of any event management system is to “foster better attendance and engagement for your events, with ticketing, registration tracking, real-time analytics, and more.” (Source)

Regpack’s event management software includes our award winning customer service and support as well as a high powered and multi featured software at an affordable price. Our event software helps you market your event, manage your event, register vendors, speakers and attendees, and manage payments all with one easy to use interface. Our clients have seen an increase of 25% more attendees and 30 days faster payments once switching to our system.

We achieve this by offering:

It feels pretty awesome to be included in Capterra’s list. And to be in the top 3! We pride ourselves on creating a product that solves the problems of our clients in event industry. We adapt and improve our software to meet the needs of those we serve. Updates to our system come from feature requests from clients. Regpack is in the business of helping our clients do their best work, which necessitates that we do ours. Thanks again to Capterra for including us in this list and to our amazing clients who helped put us there!

Update: This post was originally published on September 10, 2015 when Regpack was ranked 5th. As of this writing on August 4, 2016, we are ranked 3rd!

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