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Forms Builder Software Comparison: Regpack vs Wufoo

Read our camp management software reviews to make a smarter decision.

Every organization has documentation needs that may go beyond the services offered by free platforms like the Google Suite. When looking for a paid documentation or registration software, it is important to consider your options.


Naturally, one of the big things that will be on your mind is your bottom dollar. So, which service is cheaper? It’s not quite that simple a question.

Regpack and Wufoo both operate on a series of pricing tiers but the way that they define these tiers is different.

Regpack’s pricing structure is effectively based on how many registrants an organization deals with. The lowest price tier is just under $90/month and is for organizations with up to 2,000 registrants. The monthly price includes all of the services that Regpack has to offer, at any pricing tier. This pricing models scales, so cost is relative to your needs and size.

Wufoo’s pricing model works a little differently. It’s still based on tiers and monthly fees but those tiers are less based on how many registrants an organization has and more based on what services are offered. For the purpose of this article we’re going to be focusing on Wufoo’s third tier, which costs $40/month. This tier allows up to 5,000 registrants, unlimited documents, and other services that we’ll talk about in the rest of the article. The first two Wufoo price tiers offer very few services and severely throttle the number of registrants an organization can work with and the number of documents that they can create.


Your organization doesn’t only need to spend money wisely, it probably also needs to be able to make money. Both Regpack and Wufoo allow organizations to accept payments online for the services outlined in your forms.

Regpack allows users to accept payments through major credit cards as well as through echecks, within the platform. This means that payment information is integrated directly into user and form reporting, which  makes for easy reporting for you and your team. 

Regpack also offers payment protection, helping users and registrants keep some of their cash if registrants need to pull out of an event after having paid for it.

Payments, as well as the entire process, are embedded directly on your website with Regpack. Wufoo forms and payments are hosted on their website. The benefit to embedding on your website means that the customer experience stays on YOUR website, with secure payment and data collection happening through the embedded forms. Research shows that you lose 27% of customers when you redirect them from your website to a 3rd party.

Integration and Branding

A big part of how well online tools work isn’t just about how well they work themselves but about how well they work with other online tools. Making online tools that work well with other online tools is called “integration” and Regpack and Wufoo both do it though they both do it differently.

Wufoo easily integrates with a number of online tools including SurveyMonkey, Dropbox, PayPal, and Facebook. Wufoo also lets users create their own custom themes and logos. 

Regpack allows you to export data to a number of 3rd parties like Quickbooks and Mailchimp via CSV. Regpack also offers payment reporting and email communication built directly into the platform, often eliminating the need to use 3rd party services to manage other aspects of your registration and onboarding process. 

Through a process called “Embedded Registration,” Regpack gives users a single line of code that they can use to make Regpack services accessible through their own website so that their registrants can access whatever they need from Regpack without leaving the site of the organization that they are registering with. Regpack also does a better job of making sure that the content that users and registrants need shows up the way that it should, regardless of whether they are using a computer, tablet, or mobile device.

Simple Forms and Surveys + Conditional Logic

When registrants have to fill in forms and surveys with questions and fields that don’t pertain to them, it wastes the registrants time and it wastes your time because all of those meaningless answers still go into the reports generated from the forms. Fortunately, there are ways to direct registrants to questions and fields that apply to them while moving them past questions and fields that don’t. Wufoo and Regpack both offer different solutions.

Wufoo’s method is called “branching and logic.” Basically, when a user is creating a form or a survey, they can go through and manually insert steps that the registrants won’t see but that will control the questions and fields that they see based on their previous responses.

Regpack does something similar to this, only they automate the process. Regpack’s conditional logic automates this step so that users don’t need to bother with custom coding.

Which is Right for You?

We can’t tell you that. Every organization has different needs and different limitations. There are a lot of essential things that Wufoo offers at a simpler price, though they also require the user to manage more accounts elsewhere and do more things hands-on. Regpack is a more robust registration software and makes registration tasks easier and more automated for both the end user and the admins.

Which is right for you depends on your needs and resources. It’s always a good idea to request a demo and see the products yourself and how they might meet your needs. 

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