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Guide to Winning at Camp Marketing With Instagram (INFOGRAPHIC)

Guide to Winning at Camp Marketing With Instagram (INFOGRAPHIC) - create

Every summer camp should be on Instagram, if they aren’t already. Why? If you hadn’t heard, it’s one of the top social networks to be on with over 500 million monthly active users, 300 million daily active users, 4.2 billion likes per day, and over 95 million photos and videos posted daily. Whew, that’s tons of millions! The most relevant stat though is that 90% of Instagram users are under 35. And guess what, so are your campers!

That is why Instagram is such a great marketing platform. It’s where your campers, and their parents, are and it’s a great way to connect with them. And you can link up your Facebook and Twitter profiles, so photos and videos you post will push directly to those profiles as well!

The infographic below is a great tool to winning at instagram camp marketing. There is a handy guide to how to construct the most effective post for your camp, as well as post ideas for when inspiration might be lacking. Instagram is also great for camp marketing all year round. Post daily photos and videos while camp is in session, and put together some more professional shots, collages or video highlights in the low season that you can use to gear up for registration season!

Check out the infographic below and enjoy!

View Infographic Here 

If you’re interested in this topic, also check out our brand-new ultimate guide to camp marketing!

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