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Membership Software: The Basics and 6 Solutions to Explore

Explore top membership software solutions here!

Technology has transformed how organizations manage their members. Keeping a physical filing cabinet hasn’t been practical for some time now, especially for organizations managing thousands of members. This is where membership software comes in.

However, organizations will often fall into the trap of only investing in one-off tools to handle their regular tasks. This may be a great temporary solution but becomes costly and unsustainable in the long run for a growing membership base.

The right membership management software empowers your organization to reach out to constituents in meaningful ways, provide engaging opportunities, and handle dues payments all in one comprehensive solution.  

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Choosing the right software requires knowledge of what membership software is, what features your organization needs, and remaining mindful of your budget. 

We at Regpack have put together this guide to help organizations like yours find a membership software provider that will continue to meet your needs for years to come. We’ll go over:

Our comprehensive overview will give your organization a solid idea of what membership management software is and what features to keep an eye out for. As you read over our favorite solutions, keep in mind your own membership needs. Membership software can be an investment, so you’ll want to make sure you’re choosing software that both your team and your members will use. Let’s begin.

What Is Membership Management Software?

Membership management software is a dedicated solution that allows membership-based organizations, such as clubs, associations, and nonprofits, to collect, manage, and store their members’ information. 

This software also often comes with additional features such as automated communications, fee collection, and reporting capabilities. Different membership software solutions will specialize in different features, so identify what your organization’s needs are before making a purchase.

Typical Features of Membership Software

Each membership software provider will have unique features or capabilities. However, there are a few commonalities across providers. These essential membership software features include:

These essential features help your organization standardize basic administrative and communication processes, allowing your team to devote more time to creating a better service for your members. Different membership management software will place greater emphasis on some of these features, so take a moment to reflect on what your organization needs most from its membership software. 

What Are The Benefits Of Membership Software?

It takes time to research software solutions and train your team to make the best use of them, but once implemented, membership software can save your organization time by automating routine tasks for both your staff and your members. 

Among other benefits, membership software should: 

The benefits and features of your membership software will be determined by your specific provider. Cheaper software solutions may have more limited capabilities but can still meet the general needs of your organization, while larger organizations may need to invest in a more comprehensive membership software to reap the same benefits. 

In the end, it’s recommended to invest in a comprehensive and flexible solution from the start. All in one membership management software is much more equipped to support your organization as it continues to expand. While cheaper solutions may work now, your organization will quickly outgrow them. 

6 Top Membership Management Solutions for You

Of the hundreds of membership management software solutions available, we’ve narrowed it down to six of our favorites based on their features, price, and availability: 

  1. Regpack 
  2. MemberClicks
  3. MemberLeap
  4. GloFox
  5. Personify360
  6. Glue Up

To help your organization decide which software best fits your needs, we’ll provide an overview of each software’s most prominent features and applications. 

Best Membership Software: Regpack

Overview of this software

Regpack’s membership software is used by over 7,000 organizations and is especially beloved by nonprofits for its automation and integration features. This membership software is an all-in-one service, including form building capabilities, recurring billing functionality, and event registration tools, in addition to the more common membership software features. 

As a membership management and renewal service in one system, Regpack improves cash flow while decreasing cancellations. Both nonprofits and for-profit organizations can integrate Regpack into their websites and receive support and training from Regpack’s qualified staff.

Why this Membership Management Solution Stands Out

Regpack is a comprehensive membership management solution that provides organizations everything they need without having to integrate an endless series of add-ons. 

In addition to basic membership software features, Regpack allows your organization to: 

Regpack is a flexible membership management software that has solutions for trips, camps, courses, virtual events, subscription services, and more. Learn if Regpack is right for your organization by getting in contact and requesting a demo

Membership Software: Memberclicks 

Memberclicks’ membership software is used by professional and trade associations, chambers of commerce, and colleges and universities to manage multiple types of membership. Focused on time-saving practices and ease of navigation, Memberclicks aims to create simplified interfaces for both members and staff members. 

Why this Membership Management Solution Stands Out

Membership Software: Memberleap

Memberleap’s comprehensive membership management software comes in five different tiers to allow organizations to choose the plan that makes sense for their needs and allows them to upgrade as they grow. In addition to membership management, Memberleap’s software solution offers web hosting, web content editing, and event management features. 

Why this Membership Management Solution Stands Out

Membership Software: Glofox

Glofox specializes in gyms and athletic clubs, creating membership software with improved scheduling and mobile features for online, in-person, and hybrid classes. 

Why this Membership Management Solution Stands Out

Membership Software: Personify360

Personify360’s membership software helps large and medium-sized organizations manage members with a 360-degree perspective on member engagement. Focused on constituent engagement, Personify260 specializes in reporting and member analytics. 

Why this Membership Management Solution Stands Out

Membership Software: Glue Up

Glue Up is used by associations, chambers of commerce, and other businesses to grow their memberships with one software solution. 

Why this Membership Management Solution Stands Out

Additional Resources 

Your membership management software should work for your organization, not force your organization to adjust to it. To learn more about specific membership software features and explore your options, check out these resources:

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