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Free eBook: Guide to Registration Emails with Free Templates!

Free eBook: Guide to Registration Emails with Free Templates! - Product

This weeks eBook is all about EMAIL! Email is still the killer app on the internet. 91% of people check their email every single day making it the best method of communication by far. This means that unless you are running a pretty small program or event, email is the primary way you are communicating with your applicants or attendees. Having a solid system in place to easily and effectively communicate with everyone is key to a successful registration as well as making sure applicants complete their registration and pay ON TIME!

Get Your FREE: Ultimate Registration Email Templates Guide eBook
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This eBook is a complete guide to many of the emails you must send for every registration season including payment request emails, payment invoice emails, post registration emails and incomplete registration emails.

The eBook contains:

It isn’t enough to have a great registration software, you have to make it work for you! Just because the system can send out emails well and allows you to filter recipients, send triggered emails and personalize the email doesn’t mean the rest of your email text will be effective! (If you want to know more about improving client communication in general, check out our previous eBook on the subject!) A combination of using your registration software the right way and writing great text will ensure you see a higher rate of completed applications and on time payments, guaranteed!

Get Your FREE: Ultimate Registration Email Templates Guide eBook
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Check out all of our eBooks here. And see our latest client communication guide here. Let us know what you think!

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