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SaaS Payments Software: Payscape or Regpack?

SaaS Payments Software Comparison: Payscape and Regpack

If you are looking for an online registration and payments software, you’ve probably heard of Payscape and Regpack.

Both financial technology software options in the market, Payscape and Regpack offer a wide range of features to help manage online registration and payments for your business on your website.

Below we’ll look at what both have to offer, so you can make the best decision.


Payscape is “financial technology for businesses of all sizes”. They provide registration, ecommerce, and invoicing services. They also boast a POS offering, mobile swiper and website templates.

For registration, Payscape offers secure online payment processing, payment plans, and discounts as well as automated billing and payment reminders for events and programs.


Regpack offers online registration and payment features including automated billing and online payment processing, payment plans, customized online form builder, email marketing and communication tools, and extensive reporting on all of your data.

Regpack is perfect for camps, schools, trips, events, classes, virtual events, and more.

Payment Processing Services & Financial Technology Features

Both Payscape and Regpack make it easy to securely collect payments online.

Both offer the ability to collect payments on your website. Regpack makes this easy with 1 line of code placed on any page on your website. Payscape offers branded landing pages, with API and developer tools to integrate with your website.

Payment forms on your website

Payscape does not allow for a way to place a payment form directly on your website in order to collect payments for your events and programs. All payments happen on a 3rd party website. Payscape does let you create a subdomain, so you can create a semi customized URL and website to collect registrations and payments.

Regpack allows you to collect payments during the registration process or create a project simply for gathering payee information and allowing them to process a payment. This all happens on YOUR website by embedding the payment form directly on any page you’d like. You can use their optional hosted landing page to collect payments as well if you prefer not to place the form on your website.

Custom Form Builder

Payscape offers a basic survey tool to gather information when a participant is registering for your event or program. You can ask multiple choice, dropdown, single text box questions, and collect name, email, phone numbers, dates and present terms and conditions.

If you are looking to gather more detailed information or create a logic process that asks specific questions based on products ordered, or how other questions are asked – Payscape won’t be able to accomodate this. The system is set up to register and complete a “survey” form for every event or program, whereas Regpack is set up to gather as much or as little information on a participant as you need, and then present all options and offerings you want them to see, so they complete a form once and register for any number of your offerings.

Payscape allows you to upload terms and conditions for users to print and sign. Regpack offers an e-signature feature that allows you to copy in your terms and conditions, and have each user e-sign that they’ve read and accept them. No printing required!

Registration & Payment Protection Plan

Regpack is the only software that offers Purchase Protection. Purchase Protection is an optional add-on feature where users can purchase the protection plan to ensure their purchase is refundable in the event of illness or death that prevents the user from using a purchase service.

Plans are paid by the users, not the business, and protect the investment businesses make in their users in case of cancellation.


Payscape charges 2.9% processing plus .29 cents per transaction. Payscape costs $99 month for 200 registration profiles per month.

Regpack‘s processing starts at just 1.5%, and costs as little as $89 / month to manage thousands of applicants across all projects.


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