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3 Examples of Great Camp Registration Forms

When considering camp registration forms, it’s a good idea to look at them as the roadmap to an exciting expedition.

Just as a roadmap leads travelers to new horizons, these forms guide families and children to their chosen camp experiences.

In this article, we will examine three outstanding examples—a generic camp registration form, a sports camp registration form, and an art camp registration form—all illustrating the craft behind effortless camp registrations.

As the first factor influencing a camper’s journey, these forms often determine whether the adventure of a lifetime awaits both the camper and their family.

So, to make their decision simple, you must make your registration forms straightforward and effective. Let’s check out these three examples to see how to achieve that.

Generic Camp Registration Form

Crafting a well-designed camp registration form is pivotal in ensuring a seamless enrollment process for your campers.

Naturally, the questions you will include will depend on your camp type.

If you offer a sports-oriented summer camp with exhilarating water sports, you will ascertain your campers’ ability to swim.

Or, if you offer an artistic haven focused on music, your form will include questions about the instruments a camper plays and their proficiency level.

Yet, you should have one generic camp registration form in your arsenal to collect all the general data you must have about your campers.

However, you should always be careful with such generic forms and strike a balance between collecting necessary camper details and avoiding unnecessary clutter.

Let’s delve into a sample generic registration form that captures the necessary data while maintaining simplicity, like this one:

Source: Regpack

We will guide you through all the fields you should include to avoid missing anything important and still make sure the form is straightforward and concise.

First and foremost, it’s important to customize the form by adding the name of your camp and the logo on the top.

Also, you should stay true to your font and writing style throughout all your forms because visual coherence adds a professional touch.

When it comes to the data collection process, start with collecting your basic camper information:

Source: Regpack

Further, inquire about your campers’ height and weight if you need this information.

But clearly explain the rationale behind these questions—transparency will foster understanding and cooperation, as users will understand why they have to answer some less typical questions.

For instance, at this point, you might consider asking for the campers’ T-shirt sizes, as that will help with the purchasing and the more practical elements of organizing the camp.

Whenever possible, opt for dropdown menus or tickable boxes instead of asking parents to type out everything—this will save them some time and make the registration process more efficient.

Once you have this general information about the camper, collect parent/guardian data.

You should get their first name, last name, and contact information—phone number and email.

It’s essential to have this information because parents are the ones who are submitting the form on behalf of their children, the potential future campers, and signing your terms and conditions.

Source: Regpack

The next vital step is obtaining emergency contact information.

This step is indispensable, accounting for situations where parents may be unavailable due to work commitments or other factors.

But to get more information than just the name, include a section specifying the emergency contact’s relationship to the camper.

This is also the ideal opportunity to determine who can pick up the camper from your camp, which often aligns with the emergency contact and parents.

Source: Regpack

After that, you must collect information about the camper’s health and do it thoroughly.

Seek insights about your camper’s medical history, encompassing prescriptions, allergies, chronic illnesses, dietary needs, and any pertinent physical or mental conditions.

This knowledge will empower you to provide appropriate care for the camper and minimize the risks from health issues.

Source: Regpack

Another thing you shouldn’t forget is to ask about the parents’ preferred payment methods and whether they opt for single payments or installment plans.

If you already collect this data in the initial registration form, your payment logistics will be simpler.

So, at this point, gather credit card specifics—card name, expiration date, and CVV, for secure transactions.

Source: Regpack

Once you have included all the fields you want to ask, present your camp’s terms and conditions for careful review.

Highlight the rules, add the permission to use the photos, and clearly define what the parent will sign with this form.

Finally, to formalize the agreement, ask the parent to sign and submit the form. So include a signature field, date, and location.

Preferably, opt for electronic signatures as this will make the registrations much faster and more straightforward—you won’t depend on parents printing the form, signing it, and sending it.

Instead, the registration form will be signed and submitted in minutes.

Source: Regpack

And that’s it—this is the essential information you ought to collect from your campers to guarantee an exciting and secure experience. 

You’re probably thinking—creating such a form looks like a lot of work!

And you are right. If you have to manually create the forms in some programs or even in Word, it is time-consuming, above all. 

However, there is a valuable tool that can streamline creating registration forms—camp registration software.

With our camp registration software, Regpack, you can effortlessly create both generic and specific registration forms by employing intuitive drag-and-drop functionality entirely customized to your needs.

Source: Regpack

Moreover, your registrants benefit from conditional logic, guiding them through tailored question sets. 

Finally, integrating these forms onto your website streamlines registration and payment processes, as your registrants can do everything on your website hassle-free.

In conclusion, the generic registration form we presented today should be the foundation of your registration process. 

With such a form, you can collect all the necessary information without asking for too much. 

And the right software can help you make it!

Sports Camp Registration Form

When organizing a sports summer camp, you need a comprehensive registration form to collect all the essential data.

But instead of using a two-step method with a general form, followed by a separate sport-specific questionnaire, consider creating a comprehensive sports camp registration form.

This form will not only gather the standard information but also allow you to include preferences for sports programs and other relevant details you need for registering your campers.

An excellent sports camp registration form should start with camper information, followed by the information regarding the camper’s parent or guardian, and then proceed to the details relevant to your sports activities.

Source: Regpack

Since we’ve already covered the general information in the previous section, let’s now shift our focus to details that matter specifically for sports.

The first important aspect to include is the choice of sports programs available in your camp. This decision depends on the type of activities your camp focuses on.

For example, if you concentrate on ball sports, you could offer options like football, basketball, and volleyball.

On the other hand, if your camp is centered around water sports, choices might include swimming, kayaking, or stand-up paddling.

So, your registration form should have a section that presents specific programs you offer, as the authors of this form have done for football and tennis, for instance.

Source: Regpack

Moreover, you make sure that participants can easily choose their preferred program. You can do that by including a checkbox next to it.

However, simply naming the programs or sports is not enough.

It would help if you also gave detailed descriptions for each program.

These descriptions should explain the skills campers will learn, the required skill levels, suitable age ranges, and the specific activities.

You can also include information about equipment usage and the ratio of instructors to campers.

Another particular piece of information to ask in the sports registration form is the camper’s proficiency level for the skills that they might need for specific programs.

Gathering this proficiency information will help you place campers into the appropriate groups, for example.

So, an excellent sports registration form will have a proficiency level section, as in the form below.

Source: Regpack

Here, too, you must add a tick box so parents immediately select the matching option.

Lastly, incorporating an “Additional Player Information” section is highly beneficial.

This section can cover questions related to sports club memberships and preferred player positions, similar to the football example in the form.

Such additional questions can give you valuable insights into the campers’ preferences, experiences, and aspirations related to the sport they’ll be playing.

You can then use this knowledge to tailor their experience so that it aligns with their expectations, making it more personalized and fulfilling.

Source: Regpack

While it’s essential to customize your questions to fit the unique sports programs of your camp, the sections we mentioned now have widespread importance for sports camp registrations.

By seeking this information, you will get to know each camper a little bit better.

In turn, this understanding of their preferences will simplify the process of placing participants into well-matched groups, ultimately enhancing the overall camp experience of your campers.

Art Camp Registration Form

Just as with sports camps, the hallmark of an outstanding art camp registration form lies in its meticulous design.

Beyond basic information collection for campers and parents, a key element is an art program selection that reflects the camp’s diverse offerings.

Source: Regpack

Should your camp encompass multiple artistic disciplines, such as visual arts, dance, and theater, this section becomes a canvas where participants can align their choices with their creative passions.

Source: Regpack

For programs with many subcategories—for example, painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, or photography inside visual arts—you should enable your campers to choose from the palette of possibilities.

So, construct a dropdown menu akin to the one featured in this form and enable campers to select which of these they are more inclined to and would like to participate in.

Source: Regpack

This will give you more insight into your campers’ interests but also aid with logistics—in group organization and collecting supplies and materials, for example.

Yet, the most crucial and beneficial factor within the art registration form is the space you dedicate to questions that delve into campers’ art-related interests and personalities.

Given the expansive spectrum of art, these thoughtfully curated questions can help you understand your participants more deeply.

Some of the questions worth asking can be seen in the form below.

Source: Regpack

It goes without saying that you need to tailor these questions to your camp’s theme and the age groups you target.

In summary, the effectiveness of your art camp registration form hinges on your ability to delve into the depths of young campers’ artistic curiosity.

Don’t hesitate to ask a wide variety of questions to understand each camper truly, but ensure that these questions remain on point.

Only through this approach can you get the most out of your campers to create a unique and satisfying experience for them in your camp.


Today, we’ve presented three great examples of camp registration forms.

These forms cover everything from basic camper and parent details, emergency contacts, and health information to information needed explicitly for sports and art camp organizations.

Your choice of questions will naturally vary based on your camp’s focus and the activities you offer.

Nevertheless, by drawing inspiration from these three examples, you’ll be well-equipped to design a registration form that effortlessly steers campers and parents through the registration journey.

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