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Adopting a Learning Management System: 5 Integration Tips

Adopting a Learning Management System: 5 Integration Tips - Southern Nazarene University

Your association provides your members with many opportunities to develop as professionals, from interacting with colleagues in their fields to completing courses that will provide them with the certifications necessary to advance in their careers. When your association integrates the software solutions that facilitate these member experiences, you’ll be able to better serve them and save your team time and energy in the process.

An association LMS is a learning platform that allows your members to enroll in and complete continuing education courses. Whether you’re thinking of adopting your first LMS or you’re upgrading your current system to a more robust solution, it’s important that this system is able to communicate with your other software systems.

Let’s take a look at some of the most important steps in selecting an association LMS and integrating it with your association management software (AMS). We’ll guide you through the process so that your association is ready to:

  1. Choose the right LMS to suit your members’ needs.
  2. Integrate your LMS with your AMS to gather valuable data.
  3. Use eCommerce features to distribute courses to members.
  4. Engage your members in live learning events.
  5. Gather member feedback to tailor future learning opportunities.

Before you begin setting up an integration, it’s essential that your association chooses the right LMS to suit your members’ learning needs. Do your research and compare features to ensure that you make the right selection.

1. Choose the right LMS to suit your members’ needs.

When you choose an association LMS that makes online learning engaging and fun for your members, they’ll be motivated to complete more courses. This benefits both your members’ professional development and your association. Choose an LMS that your members will love using and your team will find easy to keep updated.

A top association LMS offers:

By selecting the right association LMS, you’ve already surmounted many of the initial challenges of planning courses that arise in the online learning process. To ensure that you provide them with the best possible experience, integrate your LMS with your AMS to ensure that your educational content continues to address your members’ needs.

2. Integrate your LMS with your AMS to gather valuable data.

Ideally, your AMS is your system of record for member information. Whether you want to know:

All of this data is easily accessible in your AMS. Integrate your new LMS with your AMS to supplement existing member information with valuable course completion data.

Integrating your LMS and your AMS or member database begins with a meeting held between representatives of your association and representatives from your LMS provider. Together, you’ll create an integration plan that will keep member data updated, synced, and stored in the right places.

To integrate your LMS and AMS, you’ll need to:

Integrated systems provide members with an easier and more streamlined experience, minimize the risk of erroneous or lost data, and eliminate the need for outdated software systems that you may have been using to fill gaps in functionality.

Once your LMS and AMS are integrated, you can use the eCommerce features of your AMS as one convenient way to distribute courses to your members.

3. Use eCommerce features to distribute courses to members.

Whether you’re selling branded merchandise to attendees at your most recent conference or providing them with opportunities to upgrade their memberships, there are several ways in which your association can use eCommerce to boost revenue and better connect with members. Once your LMS and AMS are integrated, add continuing education courses to the list of purchases members can make through your eCommerce platform.

To get members excited about purchasing courses, you’ll want to:

Online continuing education courses are convenient and effective ways for your members to learn the knowledge and skills that will help them move forward in their careers. They’re also not a solitary endeavor! With the right association LMS and the help of your other software systems, you’ll be able to engage your members in various forms of social learning.

4. Engage your members in live learning events.

When your members are able to interact with their fellow learners and approach course material using a variety of perspectives, they’ll be more motivated to take part in their courses. Choose an LMS that offers social learning opportunities and use your AMS to facilitate data management. 

You can use your association management software to automate communications with members informing them of upcoming learning events. Once they’ve participated in the event, this will be recorded in your AMS.

Meanwhile, use your LMS to:

Your members will be motivated to attend your live learning events when it’s easy to register for them. Click here for more tips on using your software to facilitate the registration process.

Once your members have been using your LMS regularly and have gotten to know its features, gather feedback so that you can tailor future courses, as well as offerings such as live training, to suit your members’ needs and preferences.

5. Gather member feedback to tailor future learning opportunities.

The best LMS for your association is one that your members will be excited to use again and again. After implementing your new system, ensure that you gather feedback from your members to improve their learning experience even further in the future. 

There are several opportunities to gather valuable feedback that will benefit both your members and your team. Try reaching out to your members when they:

Attend live learning events. Live learning events provide an excellent opportunity to speak to your members in person. What did they like about the event, what could be improved, and how can they apply what they learned from the event to their own professional development?

When the courses you create using your association LMS are easy to access, promote engagement, and address your members’ most pressing educational and professional needs, your members will be eager to complete them. Take their input into account as you expand learning options for your association.

Continuing education courses provide your members with a convenient way to learn new skills and grow in their professions. With the right association LMS and useful integrations with your AMS and other software platforms, your association will be able to create and distribute courses to members efficiently and effectively.


Guest Author: Amber Bovenmyer

Amber Bovenmyer is the Director of Sales & Marketing at Web Courseworks.

She’s committed to helping association executives realize the potential of their education programs and turn them into high performing revenue generators. Amber was named one of Madison, Wisconsin’s 40 under 40 and the number 1 LMS salesperson by Talented Learning.

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