5 Secrets to Mastering Explosive Event Marketing

The world of event marketing is becoming increasingly competitive, as new expos, trade shows and industry fairs are being launched every year in the name of brand exposure – and whether you’re dipping your toe in the pool or looking to take your established event to the next level, you’ve come to the right place.

Today, the retail marketing experts at shop4pop are sharing insider secrets guaranteed to help you transform a fledgling event into a storming success. Get to grips with these golden rules and you’ll be well on your way to a groundbreaking event marketing strategy that promises fireworks for exhibitors and attendees alike.

Image Source: Unsplash

Proactive digital promotion

Spreading the word about your latest and greatest event – be it a B2B trade show or consumer-focused retail fair – requires a strategic, meticulous and forward-thinking approach to promotion. You’ll need to get word out well in advance of your event and stick to a strict promotional timeline – making digital channels such as social media and email marketing trusty tools for the job.

If you’ve got an existing mailing list in your arsenal, put together an informational marketing email just for them, including essential details such as the date, time, location and focus of your event – plus any other tempting tidbits and special offers surrounding your event that give registrations a welcome boost. Follow up this email with timely reminders so that your invitees are given no opportunity to forget about your event.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and even Snapchat can provide valuable supplements to your digital promo strategy – enabling you to launch hashtags, create event pages, open groups and share stories relating to your upcoming event. This way, you can leave no stone unturned and see registrations soar.

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Must-have perks

Nothing brings in a crowd quite like exclusive goodies, and there are a few ways you can use complimentary extras to increase interest in your event. Competitions offer a tried and tested means of generating low-cost event exposure, especially when a coveted, high-value prize is offered in exchange for sharing details about the event, or attending in person.

You may even find that some of your exhibitors are willing to offer free samples or take-away goodie bags for attendees as a thank you for making the journey – and it’s easy to show your gratitude by offering them a prime spot at the event, a discount on their stand or some free online promotion in return for their generosity.

Beautiful physical branding

On the day of your event, your venue will need to serve as an extension of your digital branding, and this means investing in a suite of striking professional displays that show off your event’s name and key messages, as well as any other important details and reminders your invitees will need to know on the day.

While point of sale displays are typically at home in retail environments, their ability to draw attention to brand messaging and hot products means they’re also perfectly suited to event spaces. For example, once you’ve settled on some enticing freebies for attendees, why not house these exclusive gifts in a free-standing display unit decorated with your event’s brand imagery?

Attention-grabbing PR

PR goes hand in hand with your other digital promotion tactics and, if your event is suitably newsworthy, you might just find there’s some valuable press up for grabs. As part of your event marketing strategy, put together a short, snappy press release detailing the whats, wheres, whens and whys of your event and send this out to local and trade press in search of some relevant online exposure. Not only will this allow you to up attendee numbers, but you could also give your event some real credibility by having it covered in a reputable publication.

State-of-the-art tech

Last but not least, you can enhance attendee experiences by kitting out your event with top-notch tech, identifying the systems and software that will complement everything else you have on offer. The possibilities are virtually endless here, from interactive displays and social media walls to AR and VR experiences and state-of-the-art audio and video – the key is to find what works for your event, focusing on the platforms that have the potential to convey your brand messaging and make a lasting impression on all those who attend.

Image Source: Unsplash

As with all other branches of marketing, there are options galore available to you – but the ultimate secret to success is finding that winning combination of tools and tactics that will allow your unique event to reach its true potential.


Guest Post by Shop4Pop.com

About The Author
Asaf Darash
CEO and Founder of Regpack

Asaf, Founder and CEO of Regpack, has extensive experience as an entrepreneur and investor. Asaf has built 3 successful companies to date, all with an exit plan or that have stayed in profitability and are still functional. Asaf specializes in product development for the web, team building and in bringing a company from concept to an actualized unit that is profitable.

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