Client Spotlight: Select Insurance Solutions & Insurance Agency Software

Client Spotlight: Select Insurance Solutions & Insurance Agency Software - Car

Regpack has been working with Select Insurance Solutions for over 2 years now, and we have to say they are using Regpack in a very cool way!

April Vanaman, co-owner of the company, uses Regpack as an insurance agency software to manage all of the company’s insurance enrollments. Employees of the companies April works with register with them, using Regpack’s system to register for their health benefits. Our software captures all of their information and all options they choose, and then provides each user with their health care cost.

April loves the email system within Regpack’s software to easily communicate with applicants about their health care selections. The reporting tools have been invaluable when it comes to processing completed enrollments with the parent insurance company. The point of a great insurance agency software is to save time and make more money on insurance!

Select Insurance Solutions is a great example of how a paper system can work just fine until it doesn’t and a new solution is needed. Imagine the amount of time April and her employees spent manually entering data from paper applications and generating their own reports to send back to the employees they serve. A great insurance agency management software was the perfect solution for Select Insurance Solutions (see what we did there?!)

We’re so pleased Regpack is able to provide a quality insurance agency system to address the needs of Select Insurance Solutions. We’re glad our commitment to excellent customer service and a great product at an even better price, has benefited April and her husband! Read on below to see what else April has to say about using Regpack.

1. Tell me a little about yourself and your role at Select Insurance Solutions.

I am the co-owner with my husband of Select Insurance Solutions. We are an independent insurance agency that specializes in automotive related business such as car dealerships and auto repair facilities. We provide comprehensive insurance services through products such and commercial general liability and group health benefits.

2. What system were you using before Regpack?

We did not have a system in place prior to Regpack for our group health benefits. We only gathered the employee benefit registration information through paper applications.

3.  Once you gathered employee benefit registration information via paper forms, what was your process in terms of recording the data, generating reports, and sharing that information to customers?

Once we gathered the paper applications we would scan them in and send the file to our customers so they had record of what each employee elected for benefits.  We now collect the data on the online enrollment system, generate an excel spreadsheet of the data and then send this spreadsheet to the employer so they once again have record of what each employee elected.  We also use this same spreadsheet data to enroll the employees in their benefits with the applicable health benefit carriers like Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, Humana etc…

4. What made you decide to work with Regpack?

Due to increased documentation requirements for group health benefits we went with Regpack to help streamline our administrative process for us and more importantly for the employees we serve.

5. What is the #1 way Regpack has improved the way you do business?

Regpack has helped improve our business by the ease of being able to provide an online site for our employees to register for their employee benefits at their convenience as well as have access to all their necessary documents at all times.

6. Do you receive any feedback from applicants about the registration process? If so, what do they say?

The employees like being able to register for their employee benefits in a matter of minutes rather than having to wait on an insurance agent and/or their employer to administer the process.

7. Have your customers responded positively to the change in reports (like the employee census and benefits elected) since moving to Regpack? Or is the change really on your end in terms of saving time in creating the reports.

It is a positive response from our customers as well as administrative ease on our part.  We are able to capture electronic signatures for our customers that is required of them for the Affordable Care Requirements as well relieve them of the enrollment paperwork obligations.

8. How does the email system work for you and your needs?

The email system is vital to our operation. Once an employee registers, an email is sent to the employer as well as our agency to notify of the new employees information and that their enrollment is complete.

9. Do you find the reporting tools to be useful? How are you using them?

We are using the reporting tools to provide our customers with a complete spreadsheet employee census of their employees and the benefits they have elected.

10. Would you say using Regpack (vs. your old system) has saved you time and improved your work flow? If yes, in what way specifically has it saved you time and improved your workflow?

Regpack has saved us a lot a time over using a paper system. It is more accurate, less cost due to less time and printing expenses and has definitely improved our workflow within our agency as well as our communication with the employers we serve.

11. How has the customer service you’ve received from Regpack been?

The Regpacks customer service has been excellent. When there is an issue with the system they are prompt to address the issue and provide solutions to meet our needs.

12. Would you recommend Regpack to other organizations? Why?

Yes, I would absolutely recommend Regpack to other organizations due to their excellent customer service and competitive pricing for this service.

About The Author
Asaf Darash
CEO and Founder of Regpack

Asaf, Founder and CEO of Regpack, has extensive experience as an entrepreneur and investor. Asaf has built 3 successful companies to date, all with an exit plan or that have stayed in profitability and are still functional. Asaf specializes in product development for the web, team building and in bringing a company from concept to an actualized unit that is profitable.

What is Regpack?

Regpack is an online registration software that creates intelligent application processes with integrated payment processing.

Your Process, Automated
Find and create applicant groups according to YOUR needs. Automate your online registration.
Your Website, Our Technology
Don't send applicants away! Embed your process seamlessly onto your website.
Integrated Payment Processing
Applicants can pay easily within the registration process. Manage payments, send invoices, and more!
Save 60+ Admin Hours Every Month!
Online registration automation tools that work for you! Save time and work smarter.