Simplify Registration For Your Families and Community

By simplifying the enrollment process and encouraging collective participation, our user-friendly tools create a buzz of excitement around your church programs and events.


more completed registrations
Increased cash flow from registrations
less attendee cancellations

Convenience and Community Support In One Tool

Bible Study Registration graphic for young adult bible study

Community Engagement

With group registration members of your community are able to sign up for events, programs, and workshops together. Whether it's a family of six or an old group of friends that want to participate.

Community Engagement

With group registration members of your community are able to sign up for events, programs, and workshops together. Whether it's a family of six or an old group of friends that want to participate.

Convenient and Eco-Friendly

Automated group registration erases the need for paper forms making it a cleaner and environment-friendly choice, and its more convenient for your administrators and your congregants.

Convenient and Eco-Friendly

Automated group registration erases the need for paper forms making it a cleaner and environment-friendly choice, and its more convenient for your administrators and your congregants.

Create A Personalized Registration Process For Every Attendee

Our proprietary conditional logic engine creates a unique application flow for every attendee, individual or in a group!


increase in attendance
less support emails to answer
thumb up
attendee satisfaction

Delight Your Community with Convenient Group Registration Software

Interface Families And Staff Love

An intuitive and user-friendly registration interface that families and staff love not only enhances their experience but also adds a significant boost to their satisfaction. By simplifying the enrollment process, you create a positive impression, fostering trust and satisfaction within your community.

Interface Families And Staff Love

An intuitive and user-friendly registration interface that families and staff love not only enhances their experience but also adds a significant boost to their satisfaction. By simplifying the enrollment process, you create a positive impression, fostering trust and satisfaction within your community.

Increased Attendance

Some of your congregants may be hesitant to join a program or attend an event solo and prefer to go with a friend or two. Not only does group registration help some shy communities members get involved it helps raise attendance and allows you to give more members an enriching experience.

Increased Attendance

Some of your congregants may be hesitant to join a program or attend an event solo and prefer to go with a friend or two. Not only does group registration help some shy communities members get involved it helps raise attendance and allows you to give more members an enriching experience.

Effortless Multi-Member Enrollment: Simplify Registration Across Multiple Programs

With our automated, streamlined group registration process right on your website, offer seamless multi-attendee enrollment for diverse programs and events based on dates and locations.


stop watch
It takes
minutes for attendees to complete the process
Admins Save
hours every month on registration tasks
support cases for every 100 attendees

Provide Community Unity Easily With Group Registration

sign up graphic with kids in a bible study setting holding books

Community Mindset

Group registration allows members to participate in events, workshops, or conferences together, strengthening their bonds and creating a shared experience.

Community Mindset

Group registration allows members to participate in events, workshops, or conferences together, strengthening their bonds and creating a shared experience.

Simplify Family Activism

Families looking to become active in the church together can easily register within minutes instead of combing through form after form for the same event or program.

Simplify Family Activism

Families looking to become active in the church together can easily register within minutes instead of combing through form after form for the same event or program.

Churches love our course registration software!

If you are using any other system and you’re asking yourself why can’t it do what I want it to do, Regpack will do it.Read More

A group of 4 kids in an alter pew

Families love it!

The families in our church are super active and love having all their kids and even grandkids in our summer and fall youth groups. It's been a huge time saver for both our group leaders and our families with multiple kids!

Grace O

Youth Program Director

A group of 4 kids in an alter pew
A group of girls praying while all sitting together with a guide and leader.

Completely revitalized our registration process

We'd been using a single paper form for every one of our community members that wanted to join an event or enroll in classes we offer. With online group registration it's faster, more efficient, and no more papers to dig through!

Bernie S

Lead Coordinator

A group of girls praying while all sitting together with a guide and leader.