Everything you need to know about any aspect of your project

is only a few clicks away.

Dynamic data filtering

We could go on for days about how great Regpack is. Seriously, for days. But quite possibly the single most amazing aspect of Regpack is its filtering power. Regpack gives you the power to filter your applicants information in any way you could ever want or need.

If you need a list of people with a peanut allergy for the catering staff, the system will filter it. If you need to view how many applicants have paid for a service versus how many have not, the filtering feature will do the work for you.

Everything you need to know about any aspect of your project is only a few clicks away. You can run multiple searches in only a few minutes and export the data you’ve generated in an instant.

Filter Anything

Sometimes it’s frustrating to sort through the mounds of data you have for every applicant, every project and every product you offer. What if there was a way to get the exact information you need without any extra info on the side. Oh wait, there is. Regpack can sort what you need!

Our filtering engine enables you to find the information you need fast, and without the hassle of sorting through several paper applications or opening a million documents from your project files. With a few clicks you can fill out a list of participants coming next week who need housing, sorted by male and female, age and dietary preference, or any other elaborate filter you need.

After you have the right data, generate a excel sheet from it so you can clearly see who is who and what is what. Regpack also offers the power to save filters and share it with your team, so everyone is always looking at the same lists.

Account Managers at your service.

The many ways that you can filter your information can make your head spin a little with excitement and childish glee. You might even have occasional bursts of witch-like cackling. You will probably be so in awe that you no longer have to go through mountains of papers and crumpled forms in order to find the information you need.

Your account manager has seen a million crumpled forms, so we know how you feel. We’ll even cackle with you! But we’ll also help guide you when you need it to maximize the potential of the Regpack filtering system, so you cut down on wasted time looking for what you need. You will be able to present information clearly and concisely to your team, project director or project advisers about what they need to know about your applicants and nothing more.

Easy and savable filtering; reports easy to create and generate; notes and statuses really helpful; quick-view nice; conditional logic worked great; customer service was great!
Emily Schnitzer
Youth Director, Camp Kee Tov