Facilitate staff surveys with ease

and gain valuable insights from and about your staff.

camp staff feedback

As we reach the end of summer, conducting exit interviews with camp staff is a part of the end of summer routine. Just like sending a post camp survey to parents and campers is helpful for camp directors, so is staff feedback.

Exit interviews are a great way to gauge the staff’s experience and learn valuable information about their time working for you. It’s also an important HR task that shouldn’t be overlooked.

An exit interview provides valuable data that you can use to strengthen your camp and better train and prepare new hires going forward. It also can be a great resource for program changes, or to justify changes you have been thinking of making.

Remember that your staff is part of your brand, and represents your camp’s mission. You want to ensure you have the right people on board, and understand how to set up your staff for success!

In some cases, scheduling an exit interview in person isn’t feasible or isn’t something you are comfortable with doing. Maybe you have hundreds of staff, or maybe you’re more of a data person and want the results online and given anonymously.

While online survey tools or a Google Form can suit your purpose, your registration software is a great way to facilitate a post camp survey to staff. (It’s also a great way to manage staff applications for next summer!)

An effective registration system that fits our personal needs.
Regpack has helped increase the quality and consistency of our communication with families and the doctors with whom we work closely. It has provided us an easy way to make sure we have the information we need to serve the maximum number of campers to the best of our ability.
Samantha Lappin
Assistant Programs Director, Camp Del Corazon