Who are we?


Regpack CEO Asaf Darash created Regpack out of 7 years worth of research for his Ph.D., which focused on computer languages and network protocols. The research looked at structures that exist in computer languages and computer networks. One of the main findings was that the #1 problem of the computer in general is the “private language problem”. This is the problem that causes computers to be so powerful and so complicated at the same time. In essence as long as you can make something consistent the computer is able to understand it. The causes situations where programmers create closed logic entities.

The way to deal with this is either through standardization or through embracing the problem and creating a situation where there are no constants but only variables that constantly change. The latter is a more long term solution. When looking to find this structure in databases it was not possible to find. As an academic exercise Darash created such a database just to see if it was possible. Later the research was turned into a software product was at first just to see if the theory worked in practice.

Guess what? It worked! Actually really well. Now the question was did any organization or field need such a solution. Darash checked what was the most under served market due to technological barriers and found the registration field. This field has multiple organizations, each asking very different questions and with very different logic.

When registration software buyers looked for a solution before 2010 (when Regpack was founded) the question was how much of their needs the software did not meet. If it was 20-30% it was considered a good software! So Regpack set out to change that! Regpack had the technology to create a software that was flexible to meet 100% of the needs of any organization, at a price that every organization could afford.

Regpack began as a 3 person team turning research into a real life solution for organizations looking to improve their registration process. Today, Regpack has over 5,000 clients and counting.

We strive daily to build the best registration system out there and give the best support to our clients. Our focus is always on what we can do to serve our clients best, so that they can do the important work of running their business! Regpack has grown and evolved over the years because we have listened to our clients registration problems and adapted the system so that Regpack is the ultimate solution for their problems.

How much does Regpack cost? 

Pricing starts at just $89 per month, per admin.
You can find all the details of our pricing plans on our Pricing page.

Where are we located?

Our main office is in Oakland, CA.

How do I connect my website to the registration forms?

With just 1 line of code! Seriously. Instead of sending your applicants to a different site to register, fill out forms and pay, it all happens right on your site.

Our development team will tell you exactly how to add this code to your website registration page and voila! Begin registering immediately.

What is Regpack’s mission?


We believe that Regpack should make your registration process more than just efficient, it should make it seamless, in the background and something you basically do not think of it is so easy!

We have a passion for creating and designing software that challenges the status quo. We don’t believe in creating a product that ‘just works’, we have a drive to create something that has never been created before, and to make your process even better! We promise that if you want the software to function in a certain way because it’s what makes sense for your business, and this ability isn’t already available in the system, we will do everything humanly possible to make it happen! This isn’t just marketing mumbo jumbo, it’s what we’re all about.

How do I access my data?

You will be given access to your data that can be accessed securely from anywhere you and an internet connection are – mobile, tablet, or computer.

Admins login here.

Here you will find your entire dashboard, including user management and payments. Learn more about how to find, understand and use your data in these videos.

Can I see a demo of the system before committing?

We can set up a demo whenever it works for you. This is a great opportunity to watch our system in action, and ask any and all questions you might have about how our system can be a solution for you business.

Give us your name and email address and we’ll contact you right away!

What kind of systems do you offer?

There are two types – Individual and Family systems. While most of the features are the same, there are some key differences:

Individual – This is designed so that a single user will fill out only one set of forms. This is commonly used for adult events, HR systems, Insurance enrollments, Travel programs, Training seminars.

Family – This is designed so that a single head registrant can register themselves, but also add additional members/children under their registration and pay for them all at once. This is commonly used for camps and group events.

Can I embed registration on my site?

Yes! With just 1 line of code you can easily embed the registration process onto your organization’s website.

This is a great option if you’d like your registration process to have the same look and feel of your website, plus you get all the SEO benefits and traffic to your own website. Embedded registration also helps your conversion rates!

Learn more here.

What if I don’t have a website? Can I still use Regpack?

You don’t need your own website in order to use Regpack! We supply you with a website for your registration and you can send that link to applicants.

Pricing FAQ’s


How soon can I start accepting payments in my application?

Begin accepting payments immediately, with rates as low as 1.5% for processing!

Does the system support a variety of currencies?

Accept and manage your payments in most currencies.

What kinds of payment types can I accept?

You can accept several methods of payments, including credit cards, debit cards and e-checks.

How soon will I receive payments into my account? 

You will begin to receive your payments as early as the day after the payment processes. You can choose payouts daily, weekly, or monthly. There is also an option to receive a deposit only when a threshold you set has been met.

Do past applicants that are no longer active count towards my applicant total?
In your applicant count we only include applicants who are REAL! You decide who is in the count and who is not!

Are refunds easy to process through the system? 

Yes! You have the ability to make payment adjustments and refunds directly through your Regpack admin account.

Can I offer payment plans to my applicants? 

One of our most popular features is our Autobilling. We offer the ability to setup scheduled payments and payment plans for your applicants. You can even decide which applicants can select which payment plans, so if you want some applicant types to have the option for certain plans but not others, you can do that easily with our system!

Is there a cost for emailing, reporting, or cost per applicant?
No! We offer unlimited use of features, which include forms, fields, logic, emails, reports, exporting, etc.

Is it possible to issue a partial refund?
Yes. You can control the amount of a refund. There is no cost for issuing a refund.

Does the system have a discount code tool?
Yes. You can create a discount code for a certain dollar amount, that when used will deduct that amount for the applicant’s cart. You can even limit how many times the code is used. Learn more.


See more information and FAQ’s on our Pricing page.


What are your most popular features?



We have a dynamic reporting system. Any information that is gathered by our system can be selected and entered into a report, which exports from our system as a spreadsheet or PDF. Click on any of the links below to see our instructional videos!



Our email system is flexible, allowing you to either automate your communication to specific user groups or manually send emails to a single or multiple individuals.

You can track the messages that have been sent to a user.

There is no quota on how many messages can be sent, and no limit to how many templates can be set up.



Your project is built by a Regpack Project Manager. Towards the end of the building process you will be trained on how to make any final adjustments and operate the system yourself; upon your final inspection /approval of the build, you will take on full management of your system.

Any questions after the project is live can be sent to support@regpacks.com. Our support team strives to respond to emails within 24 hours (excluding weekends), and are happy to answer any questions you might encounter as you manage your system.



We have a bi-weekly feature release cycle. Most features began as suggestions by our clients, so we invite your suggestions. Please keep in mind that the timeline for the release of feature requests is determined solely by our development team.

If a feature is a MUST HAVE then we can quote you the cost to include a specific feature into your project/account.

Our bug fix release schedule varies according to the severity of the bug. This timeline is determined by development (typically this is based on testing cycles – since we test our bug fixes many times before release).

Any feature suggestions should be sent to support@regpacks.com.

How does Regpack compare to...

How does Regpack compare to Active Network?

Check out this post on how Regpack compares to other camp software.

How does Regpack compare to Camp Minder?

Check out this post on how Regpack compares to other camp software.

How does Regpack compare to CampBrain?

Check out this post on how Regpack compares to other camp software.

How does Regpack compare to CampWise?

Check out this post on how Regpack compares to other camp software.

How does Regpack compare to EZ Camp 2?

Check out this post on how Regpack compares to other camp software.

How does Regpack compare to Amilia?

Check out this post on how Regpack compares to other camp software.

How does Regpack compare to RegPoint?

Check out this post on how Regpack compares to other camp software.