Support Your Community By Offering Payment Installment Options
By offering payment installment plans, you’re extending a supportive hand to schools and families who can’t afford the total cost upfront.
Payment Installments Foster Trust Between Your Zoo and Community

Financial Sustainability For The Community
Financial Sustainability For The Community
Adaptability During Changing times
Adaptability During Changing times
Increase Participation In Zoo Programs and Events
By offering flexible payment installment options, zoos can extend their offerings to schools and families in the community with a different budget
Offer New and Adjusted Options For Every Budget
Group Booking Discounts
Group Booking Discounts
Tired Pricing Plans
Tired Pricing Plans
A Robust and Streamline Payment Process Right On Your Website
Our payment installment options are built directly into the Regpack registration system. There’s no need for third-party processing; you can offer these installments through your program, instilling trust and accessibility to all families.
Built In Automated Payment Processing

Save Admin Hours
Save Admin Hours
Secure Payment Processing
Secure Payment Processing
Zoos love our payment installment plans built right into the software!
If you are using any other system and you’re asking yourself why can’t it do what I want it to do, Regpack will do it.Read More