Course Registration Software Comparison: ASAP vs. Regpack

regpack vs asap

If you’re looking around at registration software, you’ve probably seen a lot of options out there, and it can be hard to know which one is right for you.

This article is going to talk about the services that we offer here at Regpack compared to the services that are offered by another registration management site, ASAP.

If you’re a critical reader, you might be suspicious about our motives here, but the motives behind our blog are the same as the motives behind our other services – getting you what you need.

Here’s a quick overview and breakdown of important features you might be looking for in a course registration software and how ASAP and Regpack stack up.

course registration comparison chart regpack asap

What’s in Common?

Basic Tools and Features

ASAP and Regpack both have tools that allow you to select pre-existing forms or make your own. ASAP and Regpack can also customize the tools that they provide so that it fits the branding of your organization. Both sites also offer tools for selling tickets to your events as well as check in.

ASAP and Regpack also both offer statistical reporting so that you can learn about your attendee’s habits through metrics that reflect their experience using your website and attending your event.

Specialization for Camps

ASAP works with schools as well as other areas of youth enrichment, like camps. Regpack also works with over 6,000 camps, and has software optimized for organizing your organization’s camp registration experience.

Specialization for Schools

One thing that you probably noticed pretty quickly if you’ve been to the ASAP page, is that they call themselves “school management software”. If you are looking for any other kind of organization, this might have turned you off of ASAP right away, but if you are looking for software for a school or school system, it might have caught your eye.

Regpack will work with schools. In fact, Regpack has and does work with schools. ASAP has a more efficient portal for families than Regpack, but both Regpack and ASAP have settings that allow families to share accounts which is handy for users with multiple family members who don’t want to create multiple accounts.

Just like Regpack isn’t specifically for schools but does work with schools, ASAP is specifically for schools but they can and will work with people from other backgrounds and with different needs.

What’s Different

Specialization for Schools

As mentioned above, ASAP is specifically meant for schools. While Regpack will also work with schools, ASAP has some pretty efficient tools for schools like facility reservations, ways to pay employees, ID cards for registrants, and other tools that are great for larger organizations like schools or larger businesses.

Conditional Logic

conditional logic registration software feature

ASAP and Regpack don’t only differ in terms of specialization. Regpack has a number of additional tools that ASAP doesn’t.

Regpack’s registration software uses conditional logic so that every registrant’s registration experience is tailored to their unique needs.

This makes the registration process as effortless as possible. Regpack can create logic based on anything allowing you to create customizable prompts that generate unique links, tools, forms, prompts, and more so that your registrants can get exactly what they need.

Regpack doesn’t only automate the registration system for your registrants, it automates all of the process that it manages for all of its clients. At schools there are people who are trained and paid to perform certain tasks that your organization may not have a person for. That’s why Regpack helps to reduce the number of steps in every process and the number of processes that your organization needs to perform in order to get your course off the ground.

Mobile Optimization, Embedded Links, and Hosting

Regpack is mobile optimized to ensure that your registrants can get to the content that they need from whatever device and whatever location.

Also, ASAP hosts your content, meaning that your registrants will have to go through the ASAP site. Regpack will host your content for you if your event or organization doesn’t have a website, but Regpack can also embed content on your page. With just one line of code, you can allow your clients to access everything that they need from Regpack without leaving your website.

Payment Structure

regpack pricing comparison

Regpack also has a number of payment options to fit the size and needs of your organization.

Regpack is also very upfront about those payment options, while to see any information at all on ASAP’s payment structure you need to contact the company. Regpack’s prices are clearly visible on the website, and while both companies offer demos of their products before you commit, it’s nice to see the prices while you’re shopping around, not once you’ve already started working with a company.

Regpack also has a payment structure that changes based on how many people are using the same software; everyone who signs up to use our services get the same services. ASAP’s payment structure is split into basic and premium tiers so that if you need access to certain tools you need to pay extra to access them.

Regpack also has no contracts and a monthly rate instead of an annual rate. If Regpack isn’t for you or you don’t have long-term events that require you to use online registration tools 24/7, you aren’t locked into paying for a whole year’s worth of service.

About The Author
Asaf Darash
CEO and Founder of Regpack

Asaf, Founder and CEO of Regpack, has extensive experience as an entrepreneur and investor. Asaf has built 3 successful companies to date, all with an exit plan or that have stayed in profitability and are still functional. Asaf specializes in product development for the web, team building and in bringing a company from concept to an actualized unit that is profitable.

What is Regpack?

Regpack is an online registration software that creates intelligent application processes with integrated payment processing.

Your Process, Automated
Find and create applicant groups according to YOUR needs. Automate your online registration.
Your Website, Our Technology
Don't send applicants away! Embed your process seamlessly onto your website.
Integrated Payment Processing
Applicants can pay easily within the registration process. Manage payments, send invoices, and more!
Save 60+ Admin Hours Every Month!
Online registration automation tools that work for you! Save time and work smarter.