Regpack’s Online Event Registration System FAQ

Check out some helpful FAQ’s below about Regpack’s online event registration system.

We get a lot of questions about our online event registration system, and while we have a great Support Center with tons of FAQ’s about Regpack, below we answered some of the most popular questions we get again and again.

If you have more questions, be in touch with an account manager or write to us on Facebook or Twitter!

General Questions About Our Online Event Registration System

What is Regpack?

Regpack is an online event registration system. With Regpack you can easily register, charge and manage your applicants.

Regpack CEO Asaf Darash created Regpack out of 7 years worth of research for his Ph.D., which focused on computer languages, network functions, databases and the ways in which information can be saved in order to make it more flexible. Turning that research into a software product was at first just to see if the theory worked in practice.

Regpack began as a 3 person team turning research into a real life solution for organizations looking to improve their registration process. Today, Regpack has over 4,000 organizations using the online event registration system. In 2015 alone Regpack registered 2.9 million applicants and processed more than $133 million dollars for its clients.

Regpack strives daily to build the best online event registration system out there and give the best support to our clients. Our focus is always on what we can do to serve our clients best, so that they can do the important work of running their business! Regpack has grown and evolved over the years because we have listened to our clients registration problems and adapted the system so that Regpack is the ultimate solution to their problems.

How do I connect my event website to the registration forms?

With just 1 line of code! Seriously. Instead of sending your applicants to a different site to register, fill out forms and pay, it all happens right on your site. Learn more about this here. It is really important to not have the applicants leave your site since studies have shown this will up your conversion rate by 27%!

Can using an online event registration system help with my SEO? Do you provide other marketing tools?

Ticket purchases happen right on your website, helping with your SEO. Regpack centers on making sure that when someone has decided they want to attend your event, they will not fall off during the registration process. Marketing is complex and expensive enough without bundling it with an online event registration system! We will make sure that once users want to convert and pay you, there will be nothing blocking them!

Do applicants have to login in order to register?

You can set up your online event registration system 2 ways: either by creating an account so applicants can log back in in order to complete registration, make payments, etc OR you can have an anonymous project with no login. With an anonymous project, it is advised that registration be completed all at once, and an applicant does not have to go through a sign up process in order to register for your event. This is a great option if you don’t have many questions or forms and you want to simplify the process for your applicants. An admin can always make changes to an applicant via the admin console later on.

Can applicants reset their password automatically?

Yes. Password changes are easy with Regpack. They are automated, so if an applicant forgets his login information, they do not have to go through you to retrieve it, the system will take care of it. The system is even smart enough to notice if someone is having a hard time and it will automatically help them out once it detects it. We have invested a lot of time, money and effort in making sure these kind of issues are solved even before they happen!

Do you allow group registration?

Yes! We allow one user to login and register on behalf of an entire group. The group will have one login and one username, and they can register, pay for and manage everyone in their group. This can boost your paying applicants by 26%!

Event Software Pricing

You can view our complete pricing on our Pricing page here.

Do I need to pay for Regpack all year if I don’t need it all year?

Nope! Our pricing is month to month and you do not have to sign an annual contract. This means you can use and pay for the online event registration system only when you need it.

Is your pricing based per applicant?

Our pricing is based per admin, not per applicant, like many other event software on the market. This means for our starter price, you’d pay $89 a month PER admin.

Your pricing says per admin up to a certain number of applicants. Who counts as an applicant?

The per admin price you pay is dependent on the number of active applicants you have. This doesn’t mean the total number of applicants you have had register, meaning your price won’t increase every year as you add more applicants to your database. You get to choose who is considered an active applicant.

Can I archive applicants in my project?

Yes! Once you are done working with an applicant or your event is over, you can archive them, similar to archiving an email in Gmail. Archiving an applicant puts them in the background and doesn’t count towards your total applicant count, but you can still access their data, email, run reports, reactivate them, etc.

Can I give my staff/colleagues access to the admin console?

Yes. Admins can be added at any time allowing a person to access, view and edit registration in the admin console. Permissions can be added to an admin limiting who and what they can see as well as what they can do when logged in to the admin console. This includes type of applicant, what they purchased, their ticket sale, checking people in, editing payment details and much more. Part time admins have edit privileges at just $1/hour. Guest admins are free with view only privileges.

Can I refund applicants?

Full or partial refunds can be executed by an admin via the admin console.

Can I offer discounts to applicants?

Yes, we can automate discounts based on type of orders, quantity of order,  a code, number of people registering in a group and more. An admin can also add a unique discount to an applicant, which will lower their balance.

Can I create a specific discount code, for a specific group of people?

You can create specific discount codes (ex. SAVE30). It’s the responsibility of the admin to communicate that to applicants and applicants would have to input the code to receive the discount. If the applicant already exists in your project, the code can then be emailed to your applicants using our Message Management tool.

Do I have to process payments through Regpack?

No! A Regpack can be set up to only gather information and not process payments. You can manage payments however makes sense for you. If you use a 3rd party, you can add payments in manually through the admin console. (Check out this post about why online payments are worth it).

Do I have to process electronic payments through Regpack?

No, but you may may want to if looking to streamline the process for you and your applicants. Otherwise, we can display your payment instructions for applicants to know where to go and pay. Then you can manually enter the payment into the admin console and use our reporting tools to manage payments.

What forms of payments can I accept?

If you are processing electronic payments with Regpack, applicants can pay with Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Discover and ACH/E-Checks.

How quickly can I be paid out?

You can be paid out daily, weekly, semi monthly or monthly.

How do I receive payments?

Payment can be sent via ACH direct deposit, wire or a mailed check.

Can I offer auto bill plans to my applicants?

We offer the ability to set up auto bill plans so your applicants can pay something now and have the project automatically charge them in the future. The admin can decide if auto bill is enabled, how many auto bill plans to present, which plans to present,  when the payments are due and how much. This completely automates the process for you and for them.

Ticketing and Check In

Are you a ticketing system?

We are not a ticketing system. We are an online event registration system, allowing you to create a lean and robust registration experience. Our system sends out automated email confirmations that include a summary of their registration, in lieu of a ticket. In a ticketing system, the specific focus is on speed and volume (think QR codes, barcodes) but these systems tend to limit your registration capabilities.

Can I check-in applicants?

Yes. An admin can check in an applicant or enable an applicant to check in themselves.

Do you have an app for check in?

We do not have an app. Regpack is mobile optimized allowing an applicant to register and check in on a mobile optimized version of Regpack. Where the applicant can arrive at your event, log in to their account and check in. For the back end console, you can also use a browser, and the interface is similar to a PC, to allow admins to check in applicants.

Do you support barcodes or QR codes?

We do not support the creation of barcodes or QR codes at this time. See above about ticketing systems.

Do you offer badge printing?

We do not have badge printing. In Regpack you can easily create reports that will allow you to export the information necessary for badge printing.  You can then use the reports to create badges through Microsoft office or other similar programs.

Is there a dashboard that shows sales and check ins?

The back end console does let you see your total orders or per type of order in real time. The scheduler feature lets you see who has checked in or not per event, which can then be included in reports.

Can I add complimentary applicants or applicants that didn’t register and pay through Regpack?

Yes. An admin can create an applicant via the admin console and enter payments received offline for reporting purposes.

What information can be pulled in a data extraction during registration and after an event? Can you add additional questions that applicants must answer during the registration process?

Any information captured about the applicant, including their order, can be pulled into an Excel document and/or PDF. Regpack allows every client the option to decide how much information to collect from their applicants. This includes answers to questions, uploads, signatures, orders, and payments.

Email and Communication

Who can I email? Is there an extra cost?

Regpack allows you to email all of your applicants or target a specific audience. Our filter will make this easy, so you can find any group of people you can think of: everyone who owes a balance, hasn’t completed a form, etc. There is no additional cost for sending emails from your admin console.

Can the system send automated emails?

Yes. The Regpack online event registration system can send an automatic email confirmation after registering or making a payment. The email can include any details captured during registration.

Can I get a copy of each email as orders come through?

Yes. Admins can, in the admin console, request copies of emails sent out by the system, including when a purchase is made.

When an applicant responds to an email, where will the response go?

The response will go back to your email account. The system logs all communication sent in the admin console for historical purposes.


If you have more questions about our online event registration system, be in touch with an account manager or write to us on Facebook or Twitter!

About The Author
Asaf Darash
CEO and Founder of Regpack

Asaf, Founder and CEO of Regpack, has extensive experience as an entrepreneur and investor. Asaf has built 3 successful companies to date, all with an exit plan or that have stayed in profitability and are still functional. Asaf specializes in product development for the web, team building and in bringing a company from concept to an actualized unit that is profitable.

What is Regpack?

Regpack is an online registration software that creates intelligent application processes with integrated payment processing.

Your Process, Automated
Find and create applicant groups according to YOUR needs. Automate your online registration.
Your Website, Our Technology
Don't send applicants away! Embed your process seamlessly onto your website.
Integrated Payment Processing
Applicants can pay easily within the registration process. Manage payments, send invoices, and more!
Save 60+ Admin Hours Every Month!
Online registration automation tools that work for you! Save time and work smarter.