Boost your brand during a virtual event with these 4 creative ideas

virtual event creative ideas

Building brand reputation and recognition is important for every business, and at a time when virtual events are more widespread than real-world meet-ups, some fresh tactics are needed.

To that end, here are four fun and engaging ways to bring your brand the attention it deserves when a virtual event is underway.

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Branded gifts are a boon

Products featuring your brand logo can be shipped out to event attendees ahead of a virtual conference, and with so many different swag ideas to consider, you can get seriously creative in what you offer.

It is even possible to pitch the branded products in a way that gels with the identity and culture of your company and impacts consumer intentions; so for example if sustainability is a core ethos, this can be emphasized through recyclable and reusable gifts.

Obviously if you are going to be issuing freebies to people participating in a virtual event, these will need to be ordered and posted well in advance, so there is a fair bit of preparation involved, and starting sooner rather than later will avoid hiccups.

Branded backgrounds can be subtle or head-turning

Lots of people will already be using virtual backgrounds or some kind of effect to alter or enhance their video feed as part of virtual meetings and events. You can take this one step further by adding branding to your background, and this can be as brash and bold or as simple and subtle as you feel is appropriate.

Once again the identity and personality of your brand should drive your decision-making here.

Remember to factor in your corporate colors, whichever route you take, and make sure that the custom backgrounds you create look the part. If you do not have the skills to handle this, get an in-house designer involved, or outsource this to a freelancer.

Backgrounds can also be augmented and enhanced further if you use video loops rather than static images, and these can be bespoke for the event. In the case of a product launch, you could showcase what you are introducing to the world, for example.

Learn more about virtual event registration.

Brand ambassador appearances can elevate any event

If you have existing relationships with brand ambassadors, whether they are niche industry influencers or fully fledged celebrities, it is a sensible idea to make use of these connections when planning a virtual event.

Even if you only secure a relatively short appearance from a guest speaker, this will be a brilliant way to make your brand appear as dynamic and impactful as possible, while also breaking up proceedings and making the structure of the event more varied to avoid participant fatigue and disinterest.

Obviously it will be helpful if the guests are on-message and know how to talk positively about your brand and business, so put in the prep work here as well to get the best results.

Branded social media content can increase engagement

With virtual events, you need to think outside the box and remember that attendees are going to be juggling lots of different things at the same time by dint of being in constant contact with a web-enabled device of their choosing.

Because of this, you can stop their attention wandering elsewhere by factoring in social media content and related campaigns that will run during the event.

This can take any form you see fit, whether you run polls to get feedback on your efforts, host giveaways which require participation and net you new followers as a result, or conjure up competitions that leave participants with the ability to win gifts.

Whatever you do, do not miss out on the brand-building opportunities that virtual events present you with.

Learn more about virtual event registration.

About The Author
Asaf Darash
CEO and Founder of Regpack

Asaf, Founder and CEO of Regpack, has extensive experience as an entrepreneur and investor. Asaf has built 3 successful companies to date, all with an exit plan or that have stayed in profitability and are still functional. Asaf specializes in product development for the web, team building and in bringing a company from concept to an actualized unit that is profitable.

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