Copy an existing project or create a new one!

Regpack makes starting a new registration project easy!

registration templates

Regpack has provided an intuitive and easy way to start a new registration project. With our “Create New Project” feature, you can embark on your next online registration forms with just one click. Whether you’re looking to replicate the success of the past by copying an existing customer registration project or eager to dive into something new, Regpack is your go-to solution.

A Template for Every Need

Our diverse array of registration templates is designed to cater to a multitude of events and programs. Choose from event, summer camp, volunteer, membership, race, course, class, and more. Each template is tailored to collect the necessary information for each of these varied registration types.

Event Registration:

Perfect for conferences, workshops, and seminars, our event registration form template is equipped with features like session selection, early bird pricing, and capacity management. Collect the personal information of your event attendees during the registration process.

Summer Camp Registration:

Designed with camps in mind, these templates include options for parent contact information, lodging assignments, meal preferences,  and activity enrollment.

Volunteer Registration:

Streamline the process of recruiting and managing volunteers with templates that offer scheduling options, waiver integrations, and role-specific information.

Membership Registration:

Ideal for clubs and organizations, these templates simplify member sign-ups, renewals, and the management of member benefits by collecting basic information on applicants.

Course and Class Registration:

Perfect for educational and training programs, offering features like course selection, prerequisites, and academic scheduling.

Tailor-Made Customization Options

Customization is key in making an effective registration form that resonates with your brand and audience. Our templates are flexible, allowing you to tweak or add new fields, embed logos, and adjust layouts. This level of customization using our conditional logic ensures your sign-up form not only performs well but also aligns perfectly with your brand identity. Our online form builder allows you to use the basic form fields or customize these templates to your specific needs.

Seamless Integration

Regpack’s templates are designed to integrate effortlessly with your existing systems. Whether you need to connect to payment gateways for seamless transaction processing or link to your CRM for better participant management, our templates make it possible. This integration capability streamlines your workflow, eliminating the need for multiple disparate systems.

User Experience at Its Core

We understand the importance of a user-friendly, easy registration process. Our templates are built with the end-user in mind – ensuring ease of navigation, clarity, and mobile responsiveness. This focus on user experience reduces drop-off rates and enhances participant satisfaction.

Unmatched Customer Support and Resources

Embarking on setting up your registration form is made easier with Regpack’s extensive support and resources. Our library of tutorial videos, detailed help guides, and a responsive customer support team ensures that you have all the assistance you need to customize and launch your registration form.

Keep your registration data secure

Data security and compliance are non-negotiable in today’s digital world. Our templates are built with these priorities in mind, ensuring the protection of registrant information and adherence to global data protection regulations.

Scalable Solutions

Whether you are hosting a small workshop or a large-scale international event, our templates are designed to scale according to your needs. This scalability ensures that as your event grows in size and complexity, your registration process remains smooth and manageable.

Insightful Analytics and Reporting

Our templates come equipped with powerful analytics and reporting tools. These features allow you to track registration trends, understand participant behavior, and make informed decisions based on real-time data.

Partner with Regpack for Online Registration Forms

Regpack’s registration templates offer a comprehensive, customizable, and user-friendly solution for all your event registration needs. From small business gatherings to large-scale educational courses, our templates are designed to streamline your user registration, enhance participant experience, and integrate seamlessly with your existing systems. Embrace the ease and efficiency of Regpack’s registration templates and transform the way you manage events and programs. Reach out to our team for a demo or any additional information.

I can’t imagine using another software.
In today’s world it’s hard to get folks to do what they say and Regpack has really done that for us.
Linda Nelson
Executive Director, VISNET