Collect and manage electronic signatures

on your website!

e-sign documents online

Make signing legal documents easy with eSign built right into your application flow.

The e-signature widget allows your users to agree to terms and conditions that you present to them. Any form containing the e-signature automatically locks after the user confirms their agreement, ensuring that you capture the consent you need.

e-Signatures are one way to truly automate your registration process and streamline registration to make it faster and easier for applicants to complete every form.

The e-sign widget allows you to esign documents quickly!

What makes e-signatures legal?

Once an applicant clicks “Agree” on a form with the e-signature widget, the system will capture:

  1. The date and time the applicant clicked “Agree”.
  2. IP Address of the applicant.
  3. Browser information from the applicant.
  4. These three elements are what makes e-signing digitally legal, and secure.

e-Sign Documents Online

Forget about having users print and sign forms, then upload them or send them in via snail mail. The ability to have applicants e-Sign will make your registration process faster, and get you more completed applications.

Documents you can have signed electronically and include in your application flow include:

  • Legal disclaimers
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Liability Waivers
  • Releases
  • Code of Conduct
  • Pretty much anything!
What about Regpack made it stand out?
Low monthly fees and low start up cost. We also liked that the system is customizable and the designers are willing to work with us to make adjustments. Finally, it is really user friendly.
Brad Weber
Camp Director